Make Some Noise

13 x 30 Documentary Series, 2006
Make Some Noise showcases teens and 20-somethings who will stop at nothing to make themselves heard. Some pick up video cameras and risk their lives in the war torn Middle East, others walk across the country demanding attention and resources to help the over 25,000 teens who attempt suicide this year, while others turn their words into songs on everything from peace to poverty to how to make the world a better place. Make Some Noise tells the stories that the news headlines forgot: Young people aren’t going to wait for adults to change the world.

Shaw Rocket Fund Prize 2007 Best in Youth Television
Columbus International Film & Video Festival Silver Chris Award 2006 Best Children & Youth
Gemini Awards 2006 Best Children's or Youth Non-Fiction Program or Series
Japan Prize 2006 Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science & Technology Prize - Youth Education
Leo Awards 2006 Best Director (Catharine Parke)
Leo Awards 2006 Best Youth Seriee
Nell Shipman Award 2006 Best Television Series
Nell Shipman Award 2006 Best Director (Catharine Parke)
13 x 30 Documentary Series, 2006
Make Some Noise showcases teens and 20-somethings who will stop at nothing to make themselves heard. Some pick up video cameras and risk their lives in the war torn Middle East, others walk across the country demanding attention and resources to help the over 25,000 teens who attempt suicide this year, while others turn their words into songs on everything from peace to poverty to how to make the world a better place. Make Some Noise tells the stories that the news headlines forgot: Young people aren’t going to wait for adults to change the world.

Shaw Rocket Fund Prize 2007 Best in Youth Television
Columbus International Film & Video Festival Silver Chris Award 2006 Best Children & Youth
Gemini Awards 2006 Best Children's or Youth Non-Fiction Program or Series
Japan Prize 2006 Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science & Technology Prize - Youth Education
Leo Awards 2006 Best Director (Catharine Parke)
Leo Awards 2006 Best Youth Seriee
Nell Shipman Award 2006 Best Television Series
Nell Shipman Award 2006 Best Director (Catharine Parke)